Friday, December 10, 2004

Yesterday blues

Man, yesterday I just felt like blah all day. It was one of those mixtures of screw the world don't touch me look at me, I quit, tired of trying, don't give a rats rear-end if the world burns to the ground. (Winter-mid-life-crisis, I suppose.) Kinda' one of those twenty-four hour "don't_fuck_with_me" bugs. But I'm feeling much better now. Maybe I needed a break from society for awhile, who knows. But I'm here now.

Something that I've been noticing here of late is that the music of today (mostly rock, quite a bit of R&B) is just not doing it for me anymore. I find myself pulling out the old dust covered CD cases and tapes journeying back to the classic stuff. You know your getting old when the music you listened to as a kid is now called "Classic Rock"! Maybe that's the problem with me. I'm getting old. But anyways...What the hell was I saying again... oh ya, music. The rock music of today all sounds the same with that fake British accent and nasal sound or the same three beat harmony as with everything else out.

This is odd mainly because "normally" in times of war the music just hits the level of high end hysteria that makes you want to get up off the couch and run down the street screaming "Come on baby light my fire." But it's not. It's dull. Agitating. Not worth even listening to -much less spending the twenty to thirty bucks these self-centered jack-rabbits are charging for the crap.

I guess that's just my take on the matter. Maybe I need to go get some of that Zoloft stuff and become a drone monkey slave to society. NOT! I'll be ok. I thank it's the weather around here. It's been that gray hazy daze of cotton sheets draped over the world. And the rain... I see what Poe was talking about when he wrote Bells bells bell Bells. I need to get out and party like a teenager. I thank that's what I'm going to do tonight.

Everybody, it's Friday... Go party like you're a teenager.



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